
December 26, 2014
Over the past two decades or so there have been many reports about Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) in children and young adults. When it was first being discussed, it was almost made to sound as… more »
December 10, 2014
Often, pregnant individuals will suffer from some low back pain during the end of pregnancy. In many cases it will resolve after the birth, but cases that don’t or pain that starts after the birth are indicative of a problem that chiropractic could… more »
November 26, 2014
Now that the holiday season is coming up, the daylight is beginning to fade earlier, the weather is getting colder, and people are more inclined to stay indoors with their families and loved ones. While that’s certainly well and good for this time of… more »
November 17, 2014
Since this coming Thursday is the Great American Smokeout, today I’d like to pass along some information and tips on trying to quit. Quitting smoking is generally a very difficult task, but studies show that the main thing somebody can do to increase… more »
November 7, 2014
With the Great American Smokeout coming up on the 20th of November this year, I’d like to send out a bit of information on the effects of smoking on health. However, what I’d like to bring up specifically is its effects on something most people might… more »
March 12, 2014
This week on KELO's It’s Your Business Golf Show Dr. Reinecke talked about how you don't have to live with a "bad knee" or "bum shoulder," many times servere injuries are overlooked. See what he has to say below and tune in Wednesday mornings from… more »
February 26, 2014
Tune into Dr. Reinecke on It’s Your Business Golf Show on KELO 1320AM &107.9FM radio on Wednesday mornings from 9 – 10 am. Here's the topic from February 26. Sacroiliac Instability ("My hip keeps going out!"): At the heart of our core is the… more »
October 1, 2013
Join us Saturday, Oct. 19 from 8 a.m. to Noon for the Reinecke Chiropractic Clinic Health Assessment Fair. For $30, receive $200 worth of lab tests. Tell us what ails you, and we'll help you reach your peak performance, help you achieve more energy,… more »
July 9, 2013
Want to improve your swing for your next golf game, crush the competition at the softball diamond or set a personal best in your next run?Stop by Reinecke Chiropractic Clinic for an ARP loosening before your next sporting event, and within five… more »
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