In the cases of motor vehicle accidents, or indeed any sort of accident involving litigation, it’s been a common misconception that patients don’t get better until after the litigation is settled, or at least that that’s when most gains are able to… more »
Do you experience frequent hand pain or numbness? Do your fingers swell and feel useless? Have you tried different remedies but haven't found a solution?
You may have carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).
What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
The carpal… more »
Regular readers of the blog, or those who have gone back to read older entries, may not that I’m a bit of a fan of vitamin D supplementation. It’s a very important vitamin that’s produced by the body with exposure to sunlight and performs a wide… more »
Currently when it comes to autism, it’s still a bit of a mystery regarding what causes it. There are several different known risk factors, and as such, several different theories as to the cause, but still nothing concrete. One branch of risk factors… more »
Spring is finally in the air and many people are already getting back into more outdoor activities with even more to come. Golf in particular is one I personally enjoy and is especially on my mind with Dr. Reinecke speaking on the radio during KELO’s… more »
According to the CDC, high blood pressure occurs in approximately one out of three adults and in over two out of three seniors. Of these, only about half of adults with high blood pressure are believed to have it under control. High blood pressure… more »
With the ice and how slippery the roads can be this time of year, it’s especially important to drive safely whenever road conditions are even somewhat questionable. This is especially important not only to avoid costly car repairs, but costly spine… more »
Feeding children juice can seem like a good idea to many. It’s sweet and so keeps a child happy and of course juice has to be healthy, right? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition, it’s really not for the best in the… more »
Otitis media, or a middle ear infection, is fairly common among infants and toddlers. Approximately 75% of the population will have at least one case while growing up. More often than not, these infections will run their natural course without any… more »
Now that winter finally seems to be in full gear, it might be helpful to many to receive a few shoveling safety tips and information. Using a snow blower is best, but not everybody has one. Most of us already know that shoveling snow is always a… more »